Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce

"Healthy Business" Workshops, fall 2007

Presented by the Sonoma Valley Economic Development Partnership
Space is limited and pre-registration is required.  To register, call the Chamber at 996-1033.

Revitalize Your Retail Business

 Friday, September 28, 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Instructor:  Cathy Balach, Redwood Empire Small Business Development Center
Looking for healthier profits for your retail business?  When it comes to business there are only two factors that really affect profits.  In this workshop we'll discuss them in depth - and how they apply to retail business in particular.  Specific topics will include: Knowing your client (do you know who your customers are? where they are?  why they come? and how to make them more loyal?); Measuring Performance (what sells and why?); Building Community; and Making Your Business Unique in the Sea of Retailers. 

Sponsored by the SBDC.  $15 workshop fee.  Location:  Sonoma Fire Station Training Room, 630 Second St. West.


Sleep Better Starting Tonight:  Managing Your Business Risks

 Friday, October 12, 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Instructor:  Bobbie Collins, Business Risk Solutions
This workshop will discuss the four key areas where you can take concrete steps to manage the risks that can slow your business growth and limit profitability.  To be successful, you need an effective cash management process, a safe workplace, information security processes that protect business and customer information, and effective business process controls.  We'll discuss why these things are important, alternatives, tools, and get your started planning for all four so you can take your business to the next level.

Sponsored by the SV Chamber of Commerce.  $15 workshop fee; no charge to Chamber members.  Location:  Sonoma Valley Chamber, 651-A Broadway.


Home Office Shape-Up

 Friday, October 19, 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Instructor:  Susanne Otteman, Organize This!
Running a home-based business can hold special challenges in terms of managing both your time and your workspace.  Learn techniques from an experiences Professional Organizer on creating organized files, along with tips on managing workflow and paper flow.  This workshop also includes information on resources for home-based businesses and factors to consider when you think you may be outgrowing your home office.

Sponsored by the SV Chamber of Commerce.  $15 workshop fee; no charge to Chamber members.  Location:  Sonoma Valley Chamber, 651-A Broadway.


Add Marketing Muscle:  Using E-Marketing to Grow Your Business

 Friday, October 26, 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Instructor:  Cathy Balach, Redwood Empire Small Business Development Center
Whether you're new to the Internet or looking for ways to improve traffic to your website, it pays to know the basics of e-marketing.  Learn how to use your website as a marketing tool as well as how to integrate the Internet into your marketing plan.  Key areas of discussion will include:  creating high impact, high response websites; increasing popularity and average viewing time; encouraging viewers to return (often); achieving higher rankings in search engines; and online advertising.  In addition, the workshop will include discussion of metrics -- measure that will come in handy to determine how well your web strategy is working.

Sponsored by the SBDC.  $15 workshop fee.  Location:  Sonoma Fire Station Training Room, 630 Second St. West.

Rx for Business

By Appointment with the Redwood Empire Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
Ready for a head-to-toe checkup?  The SBDC offers an in-depth look at the finance and operations of your business.  An experienced business counselor will conduct a 15-hour review, including on-site interviews and observations, and prepare a written report with findings and recommendations to improve your operating efficiency.  The scope of your business check-up and prescription includes identification of existing or potential problems with your finances, operational methods, marketing, pricing strategies, facilities and capital investment, and personnel issues.  The Rx for Business program is available to a very limited number of businesses each year, at a cost to you of only $100.  You must have been in business at least one year and have 12 months of financial statements available.

Businesses can also check out workshops available this fall from:

North Coast SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives):  How to Start and Manage a Small Business (Sept 8), Bookkeeping and QuickBooks for Start-Ups (Oct 13), Writing Effective and Useful Business Plans (Nov 10), and Owning and Operating a Restaurant (December 8). 

Redwood Empire SBDCNxLevel Entrepreneur course, Pre-Venture Training, Success Through Invention, and Product Development for Inventors.

Napa Valley SBDC:  Workshops include Intro to QuickBooks, Customer Service Academy, Hospitality Institute Series, and Marketing Your Small Winery.